Potential new members are asking how do we join Combe Martin Sea Angling Club ?
Senior individual membership is only £12, Family membership ( Two seniors and children under 16 ) £15, OAP’s £5 and Juniors £2.
New members paying after August will get the following years membership included, 16 months for the price of 12.
Our last website had details but not passed over. Our BACS details are Sort Code 51-70-16 A/C 79279198. This is the prefered method, But don’t forget to leave some details in the reference of the payment. You can also send over an email to give me your details such as name, contact details and such, just email nick@cmsac.co.uk .
PayPal is not working at the moment. Alternatively you can pay in High Street Tackle, Braunton Baitbox or to any other current member.