An Anglers Code…

An Anglers Code


Always : Observe local by-laws

Ask permission before crossing private property

Backfill holes when bait digging

Replace all rocks and stones to their original position, as seaweed and shellfish soon dry up and die

Handle undersize fish with a damp cloth and return quickly to the water

When fishing from a pier or high rocks always return fish gently to the water

Respect others rights to use the beach and take special care when casting

Report any pollution or illegal netting, fishing, etc




Never : Dig around moorings, slipways or seawalls

Take crabs in ‘berry’

Take more than you need, help to safeguard future stocks of bait and fish

Disturb nesting birds – always heed exclusion areas

Fish alone in remote spots and always let someone know where you have gone and when returning




Beware : Of crumbling cliffs, soft mud and quicksand

Of rising tides and give yourself plenty of time to reach safety, especially on springs




And Please Please Please – Always take all your litter home