Combe Martin Sea Angling Club
Trophy List
The Combe Martin Sea Angling Club over its 63 year history has awarded many, many trophies to its members each year. We used to have many more, but as costs keep rising we have reduced the amount of awards. We used to engrave all the Trophies and issue replicas, but this had become a large drain on the Club’s resources so we now recognise the achievement of our members by issuing a Certificate and compiling the Trophy List.
Cod Trophy
This award is for the best Cod caught from the boat or shore
Bass Trophy
This award is for the best Bass caught from the boat or shore
Mullet Cup
This award is for the best specimen Mullet caught from the boat or shore. This can include Thick Lipped, Thin Lipped or Golden Grey Mullet
Conger Cup
This award is for the best Conger Eel caught from the boat or shore
Flatfish Cup
This award is for the best specimen flatfish such as Flounder, Dab, Plaice, etc.
Caught from the shore only
Shore Shield
This award is for the best specimen fish caught from the shore
Medway Cup
This award is for the best specimen fish caught from the boat
Ray Shield
This award is for the best specimen Ray caught from the boat or shore
Wrasse Trophy
This award is for the best specimen Wrasse caught from the boat or shore
Predator Award
This award is newly created and is for the best specimen Predator, including Bull Huss, Spurdog, Smoothound, Tope or Conger from the boat. This award has been presented by Dan Welch owner/skipper of Predator 2 out of Ilfracombe.
Burgess Trophy
This award is for the best specimen fish caught by a junior from the boat or shore
Scouse Shield
This award is for the best specimen Rockling caught from the boat or shore
D Kyte Award
This award is for the highest specimen total for the best 5 Mullet, which can be mixed as above
Out Of Limits
This award is for the best specimen fish caught outside the clubs normal limits
Thornback Cup
This award is for the best Thornback Ray caught from the boat or shore
Merit Award
This award is for the member who has achieved throughout the club’s year. Any factor can apply and is judged by the Chairman and Secretary
Specimen League Trophy
This award is for the best six specimen fish registered by a member
Club Records
Of course any member who breaks a Club Record throughout the year is recognised
Fish Of The Season
Within the Club year, we awarded each season specimen fish winner with a £25 voucher presented at the AGM. This has just been changed to a quarterly award
To enter for these awards just contact the fish recorder with the details and a good quality image helps